Born to Silly


Meet the only Equines species in the world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Ponies (Twilight Sparkle), Donkeys (Matilda), and Zebras (Zecora).

All are members of the family Equidae. Each is a representative of a subgenus in that family. And yet there are some other fascinating differences between these odd-toed ungulates.

All Ponies are magical Equines. There are four types, each using their magical powers differently. Half of these pony types, the Earth Ponies and Pegasus Ponies (Pegasi) have passive forms of magic, while the Unicorns and Alicorns, can actively use magic.

— Earth ponies possess a magically ingrained connection to the earth, nature, and the environment that encourages the growth of plant life and a connection with wild animals.

— The Pegasi possess the ability to fly, which is powered by a pair of feathered wings, and magically control the weather, such clearing skies, building up clouds to create storms, bringing rain and hail, and create snowflakes and rainbows. Also, as other aerial creature, Pegasi possess another ability to walk on clouds.

— Unicorns can directly absorb, wield, channel, create and manipulate magic, which is channeled through a horn on their foreheads. However, a Unicorn's horn can be severelly damaged beyond repair, and as such most of their magic is incapacitated. Before the founding of Equestria, Unicorns used their magic to manipulate the sun, moon, and stars. Although all Unicorns use magic, only a select few are able to cast spells.

— Alicorns, the rarest of the four pony types, possess all three distinguishing features of the other pony races: the horn of a Unicorn, the wings of a Pegasus, and the fortitude of an Earth Pony. Their origin remains a mystery though the Unicorn wizard was said to have found a young Celestia and Luna, who are said to be the only natural-born Alicorns until the birth of Princess Flurry Heart. For now, Alicorns are said to be ponies of the other tribes who achieved through an act of unprecedented heroism, or the creation of "new magic".

Ponies of all types also possess cutie marks, a symbol emblazoned on their flanks representing their true purpose in life. A ponies earns a cutie mark by discovering their destiny, usually through a coming of age. Before Equestria's founding, the three ponies lived as separate tribes in unknown regions beyond Equestria, yet coexisted in an uneasy truce that led to tribalistic enmity before the baleful winter spirits, the Windigoes, threatened to destroy them. It is said that the tribes formed as a means to protect themselves against the evil ibex emperor, Grogar, as during his dark reign they lived in scattered farms and pastures. Since Equestria, all three types of ponies coexist amiably through their kingdom's principles of friendship and harmony and with the Alicorns ruling over them. This penchant towards camaraderie allows for building beneficial alliances with other non-pony nations.

The Zebras do not possess magic, but they do adorn cutie marks like ponies. Where they lack magical powers, they have been shown as naturally resistant to forms of mind control and cannot be detected by telepathic entities. There were a number of communities in Equestria that had zebras living and working among ponies. But zebras are mostly found in the western kingdom of Farasi, which is ruled by the four princes, such as Prince Abraxas. The kingdom is home to two other Equine-like creatures, the Kelpies and Abada.

The Donkeys are the only Equids that lack magic and cutie marks. They are mostly found in Equestria, though it is said that they originated from the deserts south of the fertile regions. While some ponies think the distinguishing long ears of a donkey look silly, these are the result of living in a hot, arid biome, and supporting the claims of their desert history as such. One known settlement where donkeys dwell is a village in the San Palamino Desert called Donkeyville.

Physical ponthropologists speculate that ponies, donkeys, and zebras shared a common ancestor through the first member of the genus Equus. However, when it comes to discussing the subject of when, where, why, and how ponies acquired magic, zebras only possess cutie marks while donkeys got neither of these, it has remained one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in natural history. Beside ponies, donkeys, and zebras, there are other species of Equines. The insect-like Changelings, the mixed-up Draconequus, the half-pony, half-draconian Kirin, the fairy-like Breezies, the watery Kelpies, the two-horned Abada, and the Griffon-Pony hybrid Hippogriffs. Some of these species are debated to be members of the Equus genus, of Equidae, or part of another family in the Perissodactyla order. Ponies and Donkeys are known to have hybrid children, the Mule, the child of a male donkey and a female pony, and Hinny, the child of a female donkey and a male pony. These hybrids are usually unable to reproduce, and lack their pony parent's magic. But no matter who are included, here are the three top Equines in the world of My Little Pony.

So here are the three Equines. I was thinking about making this for a long time now. I'm not too sure if the Twilight Sparkle vector I chose fits. But I will give it some thought over time. I hope you love this, along with the little info I put up. I know ponthropology is a like a mix between anthropology and equinology, but it's a fun subject to look into.

Just to remind all of you that I will be uploading vectors of MLP donkeys at some point this month. So be ready to see our desert-dwelling Equids.


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