Originally posted on: July 31, 2020, 1:21 PM UTC
MLP HarmonyVerse: Water Balloon
Name: Water Balloon
(Full Name: Water Bubble Balloon Pie)
Parents: Rainbow Dash/Pinkie Pie
Gender: Male [He/Him]
When Water was younger he wasn’t sure what his special talent is. He got his Cutie Mark later than most ponies, when he played a water-balloon prank on Applejack with Pinkie. Water was shocked, was his talent really playing pranks?… This caused him to grow nervous and he eventually developed anxiety. he had frequent mood swings, sometimes he didn’t want to get out of bed or was afraid to go outside (strangely, he loves weather and thunderstorms). He actually discovered his talent when his mothers and his siblings were having a fight, and Water yelled “stop!” in a volume so high Rarity swore it almost cracked the windows. They discovered Water has a wonderful singing voice, and he stated training with his Aunt Sweetie Belle. He was too nervous to preform in public though, so instead, he records songs as a hobby. Nowadays he’s a lot less nervous and hangs out with his sibling a lot more. He likes to try and write music, buy he’s not too good with lyrics.
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