Celestia answered her and replied, “She is before even our time. Far before our rule or even our birth. The earliest recordings T.I.T.A.N. have found suggested that Mothra is said to be thousands and thousands of years old. Cave paintings, ancient manuscripts, all theorized to have been dated back to hundreds of thousands of years… all showed her.”
That was a bomb in and of itself. Everypony each took a moment to collect themselves and try to understand that what they just heard needed to be taken as a high probability, and perhaps not just a theory. To know that Celestia and Luna were not the oldest living beings in Equestria was shocking, especially for Twilight. Bon Bon hardly even moved, having felt the punch of that revelation many years ago. It was not as shocking now, and not nearly as shocking as what else the princesses were to reveal.
Luna took over, saying, “Even with her great age, Mothra has an even greater legacy. She earned it after helping us defeat many beasts left over from Grogar’s reign.”
Seeing the confusion ripple across the group of mares and young dragon, Luna chuckled shortly and clarified, “Not Titans. Grogar’s creatures were not natural to our ecosystem, birthed through wicked and demonic rituals that only the Father of Monsters could concoct. But Mothra would not have that. My sister and I… including our parents… battled alongside the great moth to ensure Equus was rid of Grogar’s fiends. Hm… legend even spoke of Mothra fighting alongside Gusty the Great to overthrow Grogar… but that was long before our time. She became a heroic figure to all, exemplified even to the status of a vengeful angel, a deity, if you will. It is no wonder she was worshipped by ancient pony tribes for thousands of years prior.”
Celestia said, “Mothra had proven to be a benevolent and peaceful giant. She kept order in our world during a time of lawlessness, where the magic of friendship was yet to become even a concept to consider. Yet after the last of the great beasts born of the Father of Monsters was defeated… Mothra vanished. We never found her. It was almost as if… she was just a vengeful angel… arriving simply to balance our world back into its natural state. So you can understand why we are so concerned for her return. Something big is coming, something that could shift the balance of our world once again.”