I'm working on vectoring Princess Luna this time around. I'm assuming that you've at least viewed some of my other tutorial videos, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time explaining the most basic concepts in this series.
Feel free to ask questions if you run into trouble with your own vectors!
Useful links for my tutorial videos:
1. Inkscape — http://inkscape.org/
2. Detailed pony color guide — http://kefkafloyd.deviantart.com/gall…
3. Simple color guide — http://i.imgur.com/OYmIf.png
4. Ellipse by 5 points — http://pernsteiner.org/inkscape/ellip…
5. Ellipse by 5 points demonstration video — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAl3WJ…
Final image here: http://dash-o-salt.deviantart.com/art…
Final vector here: http://sta.sh/022tpse8qf69
If you're not sure what I'm doing at any particular point, feel free to ask.
All ponies and art copyright Hasbro. This is purely fan art.