Damage: Very high – The Imitator unit has 2 retractile blades hidden in its frontal legs for melee combat.
Defense: Medium resistance to melee attacks and firepower.
Movement: Fast (on land), Medium (on air)
Special abilities:
-Disguise – The Imitator unit can disguise as any species of ponies (earth ponies, unicorns, pegasus, even alicorns) to accomplish its mission tasks, such as impersonation, espionage, theft of valuables, sabotage, target capture, target assassination or to hide in plain sight.
-Invisibility – The Imitator unit can turn itself invisible for stealth approaches or escapes.
-Magic inhibitor – The Imitator unit can cast a powerful noise that produces severe headaches to unicorns that try to cast any spell, making them unable to use magic in the inhibitor radius.
Weakness: EMPs, strong firepower or very sharpened objects that surpasses the Imitator`s armor.