
Name: Disarray

Nicknames: Ray

Parents: Princess Celestia, Discord

Age: 18

General bio:

Ray is a little…strange you could say '. He would say one thing but do the other later, he changes his mind so often that it's never clear what he would do in the end. Celestia was worried about it when he was a child and asked Discord about it. He claimed that he sensed a big struggle within him, like chaos bubbling, ready to rise up. Not soon after, when Ray was a teen, the chaos magic in him exploded and he became something far worse than Discord ever was. It took the elements of Harmony to calm him down and put a seal on this magic. The lock however is not perfect and can be compromised if Ray gets angry enough or too upset. Ever since, Disarray stayed indoors more and tried to learn powerful light magic from his mother, thinking that if he can balance out both types of magic within him, he could be stable and not worry about the future of Equestria and its population. Since the accident, one of his eyes turned red like his father's which he keeps hidden under his mane, fearing it. Every time a pony knocks into him he holds on to his hair to keep his eye covered, knowing that if exposed, he could turn chaotic and evil again. Disarray used to be outgoing and fun but since the blast, he has kept to himself, scared to talk to ponies because of what happened. Nevertheless, he is a kind creature, loyal and thirst to look after ponies. Everypony knows that he can be a great ruler, when he one day lets go of his fear to hurt anypony and realize he is here to protect them. He became 'strange' after the incident, since the magic is fighting within him, he changes his mind constantly, not knowing which side is talking to him but it does lead to funny situations at times XD.


He is with his mother often and loves her very much. He looks up to her and hope that he can one day have the same wisdom and strength as her when he becomes ruler. He does love his father but does think that he can be overboard at time with his chaotic magic (that he tries to teach his son to embrace more). He gets along well with Gem Stone since he knows she will always tell him the truth (whether it hurts or not) but since he can get scared being around too many ponies, he doesn't know a lot of ponies.


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