
The war between the Storm King and the Rebellion has been under way for seven long years. Storm Burst's training becomes more intense to help him be prepared to defend himself, and Monsoon Blossom is still left under Wintertide's care. Back in the empire, Flurry Heart has reached young school filly age herself and is demanding her father allow her to help fight against the Storm King. Shining Armor refuses to allow his young daughter to fight for obvious reasons, but Flurry isn't having it. She's an alicorn and a princess, and in her eyes a very powerful one at that, so she should be allowed to help rescue her mother, auntie, and great aunts. Going against her father's wishes, Flurry sets out to go to Canterlot herself to show what she's capable of.

One night in Canterlot, Monsoon Blossom is unable to sleep so she's out wandering the courtyard on her own. When she looks up to the sky she sees something small flying overhead. It was too large to be a bird, and it reminded her too much of a pony, so the young princess goes to investigate. Its here she sees a young pony making a landing in her home. Her horn and wings remind her of the princess statues, so Monsoon immediately sees her as a threat. Like Flurry, Monsoon sees this as an opportunity to prove herself to her father, and she tries to ambush the intruder. The two have a brief scuffle, but it soon turns into a talk. Flurry and Monsoon quickly come to see the other isn't exactly all that bad, and Flurry pleads her to aid in helping put an end to this war and help get her mom and aunt back.

Just then another attack is made by the Rebellion, and Flurry and Monsoon escape to a place to hide in order to not get caught up in the crossfire. Monsoon's older brother, Storm Burst, begs his father to let him join the fight this time. The Storm King, who was already hurting for more soldiers at this point, decides to allow his young son into the battlefield. Not only out of a sense of pride, but he firmly believed that Shining Armor and his army would not be able to fight as well when a child was on the field. He was sure it would be an easy victory for him. However that would prove to be a huge mistake.

No one knows who was to blame, but Storm Burst took a fatal blow in battle that ultimately resulted in his untimely death.

Shining Armor was captured in the fight and those who were still alive in his army were told to retreat in order to save themselves. The Storm King is devastated over his son's death, and with Monsoon Blossom missing, Wintertide can only assume the worst for her dear daughter. While the king grieves, the Queen Regnant goes to make preparations to execute Shining at dawn in front of their slaves so they can watch their final ray of hope die. But before that can happen there's one more surprise attack from the Rebellion, now joined by other creatures who didn't assist before then (changelings, yaks, hippogriffs, kirin…). This time the attack is successful. The Storm King is killed and Wintertide Frost is captured. Monsoon and Flurry approach the newly revived princesses and captured queen. Monsoon pleads for her mother to give up on the life they had and change, but Wintertide refuses. She's sent to Tartarus, and Monsoon, with Flurry's influence, is allowed to move to the Crystal Empire to stay with the royal family. Monsoon never views Shining Armor or Princess Cadance as her parents, no Flurry Heart her sister. However they two officially become best friends. Monsoon grows up within the Empire beside Flurry, the two eventually falling in love and getting married making them the new empresses of the Crystal Empire.


Drawn last month in what I was calling FlurryBlossom month where I was trying to focus on these two in particular for content.


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