
SB: "Also, put me down!"

H: "Did I mention amazing?"

I came across a picture of Project Sweetie Bot the other day, and absolutely fell in love.
(No, not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter!)

I have come across this project in the past, and fell in love with it, but that was back when it was only Proto2, and I always had a bit of a 'why bother' attitude about it, due to feelings of inadequacy, and the knowledge that I wouldn't be able to create anything as incredible as these guys' project.

But after seeing Proto3, and seeing how absolutely beautiful it is, (and amazing), I got SUPER jealous of these guys, that they got to create such an incredible thing. And I started thinking, I really do want have a project like this, and that perhaps I should try starting one of my own. This actually is the literal reason decided to go into electrical engineering in the first place. I know that anything I make would pale in comparison to Project Sweetie Bot, but knowing that there are over a dozen people working on that project, it makes me feel a little better that my project will suck in comparison. ;
And perhaps a project like this is just the thing I need? And who knows, maybe one day I'll have a pony bot of my very own, and be able to take it to meet Project Sweetie Bot?

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