MLP HarmonyVerse: Zap Apple Name: Zap Apple (Full Name: Zapple Apple) Parents: Applejack, Rainbow Dash Gender: Non-Binary (They/Them)
I know that people voted to name this pone Zeppelin Apple but Zapple Apple is just too cute of a name ;-; sowwy
Zapple trains in the Wonderbolts like some of their siblings, but they insist “it’s only a hobby”, probably because they broke a wing once in a failed crash and refuse to talk about it… their sibling think they have quite the ego- they refuse to be called in their full name as “it sounds embarrassing”. They prefer to stay near Sweet Apple Acres and take care of Zap Apple trees. Their talent is catching Zap Flies(i think that’s what they’re called? The electric bug things from that one Applebloom episode). ~ Base referenced by TeePew