Fluttershy~ next-gen
Name: fluttershy
Married: discord
Mother of: coraliss and brezzie
Parents: mr. And mrs. shy
Fluttershy had a crush on discord for a while untill she finally got the courage to tell discord and in her suprise discord returned those feelings.
She and discord took things slow untill discord asked her to marry him and oh how happy she was to marry him!!!
After a few months fluttershy figured out she was pregnant with her first child coraliss then when a few months went by both discord and fluttershy decided to have another kid whitch in 11 months brezzie was then brought into this world.
If your wondering were her bandages came from she was making fire cuz her cottage was getting cold and her hooves got burnt a little so discord helped wrap her right up.
So heres my next gen fluttershy next one will be rainbow dash!! I dont know when though because im going to be super busy this week packing to go to Missouri sooooo yeeeaaah but i might still be able to post when im out there…if theres Internet 😅