Born to Silly


Originally posted on: April 4, 2019, 12:29 AM UTC
NG-Fleur De Lis
slight trigger warning for light mention of suicide attempt

Fleur De Lis was raised to be the perfect prim and proper housewife, something her parents believed that was the topmost thing she could ever strive to be. From the time she could walk and talk she was put in lessons and classes to eat, speak, stand, look, walk, laugh properly. The list went on and on and never for one moment was she allowed to step off her designated path. She had resigned herself to being nothing more than that perfect trophy wife, only a token to compliment her chosen husband and later be a broodmare for his legacy. She was to serve his every need, never complain, and only speak when spoken to and she hated it but life had broken her down and that's what she became.

When Fleur reached the proper marrying age her parents set her up with the wealthy and elite Fancy Pants. The beginning of the two marriage was awkward neither really knowing how to break from the have to of being generally forced into a marriage and shift it into the want to of being married. Fleur figured she was lucky, Fancy didn't push hard to move further intimately than she was ready for and he seemed to have an immense patience. It wasn't until a few years into their marriage that Fleur, desperate to escape the image in the mirror she hated so much, that she attempted to quietly end her life. Lucky for her Fancy found the pink mare unconscious on the bathroom floor and rushed her to the hospital. He used his influence to keep the attempt quiet and when Fleur was released the two had a serious talk about their expected roles

Fancy took the broken and beaten mare and slowly they rebuilt themselves into who they wanted to be and along the way really fell in love. Fancy became more outspoken of his want for change in the elite society, leading by example and encouraged Fleur to try new things, and find her voice when the world had silenced her. They even took a vacation to the Crystal Empire when Fancy reconnected with Shining Armor, with a quiet mention to his old friend about needing to help his wife love herself, Fleur was set up with some alone time with Duchess Cadence.

At first Fleur quickly fell back into old habits around the literal keeper of love, but the alicorn was kind, and unrelenting and soon Fleur found a true friend. Cadence helped Fleur immensely and the two couples develop a deep bond during their visit. Fleur was particularly enamored with Cadence and Shining's half-changeling child, Lovebite. Seeing how the parents interacted with and encouraged the young filly, especially Shining since the child wasn't really biologically his, made Fleur have hope that she and the world could be better to the next generation of creatures. It wasn't long after than Fleur and Fancy would wind up pregnant with their first child.


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