
Listen Linda listen-
Please ignore the fact that I JUST finished my redesigns mane six wise-
I’m not happy with Flutters and AJ so Imma redesign them and then I’m gonna make a slightly more updated ref for Rarity so I’ll have her ref on procreate

Reusing old notes cuz lazy

Fluttershy notes/HeadCanons

My thoughts on Flutters is very… neutral. I think shes adorable and i love alot of her episodes but other than my hardcore love for FlutterCord shes kinda a meh character for me. But i do love the lil family I've given her.

FlutterCord was almost always a thing ever since she reached out too the chaos lord and Discord entertained the idea for a long minute. Hes been in many relationships but he never took them too seriously. But with Flutters he couldnt help but have a bigger interest in her.

Fluttershy is unaware that it becomes more of a game to him. But time goes on and oh no, Discord hella attached and so was Flutters.
Shes extremely patient so shes pretty much the only one that can handle him, but oopsie poopsie, she turns up pregnant.

The pair think about marriage… for like, 4 seconds before deciding that they didnt need marriage in order to feel secure.

Their first son, Chamomile was a massive foal and caused her to get out on bedrest on her 5th month of pregnancy. Her emotions were wack and her anxiety attacks got far worse during this time.

But her massive, chunky child was born and any doubts she had about being a mom vanished once she and Discord got to bawl over their unamused child.
Some time passes, their son is growing up and Flutters begins to attend vet school so her animal sanctuary could be more secure. And in that time she and Discord decided to foster a lil deer bab named Fawna. She was around 3 and reminded Fluttershy of herself.

she was shy and soft spoken even at the rambunctious toddler age. You can tell it didnt take long for Fluttershy to adopt her.

Chamomile wasnt a huge fan of this toddler in his house but he got over it and now he protecc.

Then Fluttershy turns up pregnant and refuses to get rid of the foal even if shes at high risk.

This puts her on bedrest and everyones just… hella stressed.

She had to get a C-Section because this baby was even bigger than Chamomile and Flutters hips arent built for all that. If she wanted to naturally birth this baby she'd have to be as big as Macintosh.

Galacyia was born and from the get go she practically ran the house like a dictator. She was definitely daddys girl and had her parents wrapped around her paw.

Fluttershy played a major role in many of her friends lives. She was like the soft mom of the group and dipped her hooves into Raritys issues the most. She did her best to offer the kids some sort of stability.


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