The night after Celestia heard about what had happened to Rarity, she fell into a deep depression. Things only became worse when she found out that Rarity had also gone missing, and was presumed dead. This left Celestia extremely vulnerable and she ended up having a short affair with a bat guard.
About a month later, Celestia was shocked to discover that she was pregnant with the guard’s child. When she told him, he ran off, refusing to help raise the child. Then who was to enter her life once again? Prince Sombra, who had stumbled through the portal, scratched up and confused. After he was nursed back to health, it turned out the portal was now permanently closed, with no chance of him ever returning. When he found out about Celestia’s pregnancy, he offered to help her raise the child, but as a friend. Of course, this promise didn’t last long, for they still had feelings for eachother. They married just before Celestia gave birth.
The royals covered up the fact that the Filly wasn’t Sombra’s, adding to already the scandal of their highest ruler marrying an alternate version of the stallion that waged war with Equestria. However, this also didn’t last long because the Filly had, well, bat wings. Celestia and Sombra came out about this fact. The only ponies to be unhappy were the conservative Canterlot nobles, who turned their noses at the Filly.
Although her story is a tough one, Moonlight Orchid is a beloved thestral-pony, who is kind, gentle, and considered very beautiful. She currently lives in Ponyville, where she moved for a simpler life. She is one of the main allies of the new element bearers and gets along very well with her half-siblings.