Deadverse Ships (continued)
Quibble PantxRainbow DashxClear Sky
A very functional trouple with three kids that they love and support.
Quibble was a renowned blogger/journalist, RD was co-captain of the Wonderbolts and Clear Sky was a devoted stay at home momma (she loves it tho) plus she also resold thrifted items on the side.
Pure fucking chaos, has 13 kids (that they def have on those harness leashes out in public) total rave enthusiasts, run on sugar, string cheese, and micro glitter, Tempest is the one who keeps them in line and the most disgruntled when a literal apocalypse breaks out and Discord simply poofs their family to his dimension rather than stay and help.
Sorry this is so short bUT much will be explained in the future!! Actual plot coming soon!!!
Quibble PantxRainbow DashxClear Sky
A very functional trouple with three kids that they love and support.
Quibble was a renowned blogger/journalist, RD was co-captain of the Wonderbolts and Clear Sky was a devoted stay at home momma (she loves it tho) plus she also resold thrifted items on the side.
Pure fucking chaos, has 13 kids (that they def have on those harness leashes out in public) total rave enthusiasts, run on sugar, string cheese, and micro glitter, Tempest is the one who keeps them in line and the most disgruntled when a literal apocalypse breaks out and Discord simply poofs their family to his dimension rather than stay and help.
Sorry this is so short bUT much will be explained in the future!! Actual plot coming soon!!!
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