Born to Silly


After the finale of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, I decided to rework my Au, Spectraverse.
And to properly set the scene, I will be rolling out headcanons for canon characters from the show, starting with the Main Six.

Here are the Earth Ponies!

Obs: There are certain aspects of the finale that I did not like, and thus (since this is an AU), I have fitted some characters with new headcanons and details to better suit this AU.
Some storylines have been re-written and the ending altered.

Apple Jack
"Hold on now sugarcube, shouldn't we think about this?"
Parents: Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter
Species: Earth Pony/Mare.
Anatomy: Tall, Muscled, Thick coat and Long Mane and Tail.
Cutie Mark: 3 apples.
Occupation: Runs Sweet Apple Acres along with her siblings and their spouses and kids.
Nickname(s): Aj

- Kind, Honest, Brave and Protective.
- Sometimes, quite insecure.
- Is quite the family pony and loves all of her nephew and nieces a lot, and she strives to have a lot of kids herself.

Apple Jack grew up to be the head of the family farm, and she handles most of the finances around the family's apple business.

She was quite young when she had her first romance with a local colt, Caramel, and the two headed into a fiery romance with young and hopeful hearts.
It was not meant to be though, and when the pair had their first foal without even being married, AJ was quite shocked with the whole thing.
She grew more distant towards Caramel, who in truth was just as scared, and the two ended up separating when Bramsley Apple was quite young.

Applejack struggled for years. When Bramsley was about 5, she had to admit that she couldn't run the farm the way she had planned, and in the end, AJ, Apple Bloom and Big Mac all ended as head of the farm, each handling their strong-suites, just like when they were younger.
The whole family lives on the farm with their respective families.

Concentrated on her work, Applejack didn't pay romance much mind for years. And all of a sudden it came rushing for her.
Autumn Blaze became the ambassador between the Kirin and ponies, and Apple Jack her link to them. After years of keeping this connection and meeting up to discuss diplomacies, feelings started to blossom between the two.

Feelings turned to flirting, which turned to mutual pining and then to an official relationship between the two. Apple Jack was very bound by tradition, and though Autumn didn't quite understand the ritual of marriage, she agreed to officiate their union after some years.

Autumn travels a lot between her people and Ponyville, but the two has a shared base at the farm, and the love they hold for eachother is strong enough to endure Autumns sporadic absence.

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Pinkamena Pie (Pinkie Pie)
"Let's get this party started!"
Parents: Igneous Rock Pie and Cloudy Quartz
Species: Earth Pony/Mare.
Anatomy: Small, Muscled, Fluffy coat and Curly Mane and Tail.
Cutie Mark: 3 balloons.
Occupation: Partner of Sugar Cube Corner, where she helps the Cake family run the store. She also helps her husband, Cheese Sandwich, with ideas for his joke factory and brand.
Nickname(s): Pinkie

- Happy, Energetic, Outgoing.
- Doesn't know when to stop.
- Loves helping every creature and making everyone around feel welcome and happy!

There were no doubts about Pinkies future; her and Cheese were going to live happily ever after and have sweets for breakfast, dinner and desserts everyday!

Well, they did get married anyway!
Pinkie helped the Cakes expand their business, and Sugar Cube Corner is now a massive building in Ponyville, known for it's sweet desserts and welcoming spirit throughout Equestria!
Pinkie still lives at Sugar Cube Corner with the Cakes, but the Pie family now has their own wing and Cheese sometimes sell joke articles for birthday parties through the store.

Pinkie and Cheese have three foals together; Cheesecake Pie, Key Lime Pie and Creampuff Pie.


ENJOY! and feel free to comment! C:


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