Special thanks to everyone who played in this series, and everyone who helped me on it!
Here are all of the voice actors' casting call club pages, as well as other places you can reach them! And also other people who worked on this project!
This was inspired by Joey Oropesa's MLP in real life series, Pony Meets World! Go and subscribe to him! He doesn't just make pony content though, he makes other great stuff too! Here are both of his channels!
I also forgot to credit the beat you hear when I pass by Vinyl Scratch. You can hear it a bit faintly. I forgot to credit it in the video, but it was made by SE Records Productions! Go and subscribe to him! Here's his YouTube channel! Go and show him some support! He's also making an MLP in real life series! He makes music too!
You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, Deviantart, and Discord! Those are my main places!
My Twitter is EpicBrony99, or BrandonTheBronyPony.
My Facebook is Brandon T. Hackwith.
My PSN is BrandonBronyPony, if you have a PS4.
My deviantart currently as of now is StarlightGlimmerFan1, but will be changed to BrandonTheBronyPony on January 1st.
As for my YouTube, you're here!
If you don't wanna look anything up, and you just want links, then here they are!
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/EpicBrony99
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brandontom.hackwith.5/
My Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/starlightglimmerfan1
Happy Belated 10th Anniversary to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! And Happy Holidays Everypony!!! Stay safe and wear a mask!!! Please, for everyone's safety!!! Thank you!!!
I hope you enjoyed the episode, or if you read all this first, I hope you enjoy the episode!