
After the long hiatus, the world renowned and fabled and famed creator and artist BigRigs, comes back to the scene with a new, thought-provoking piece of art. This breathtaking piece provokes a lot of different emotions from the viewer. This piece contains a "My little Pony" character named "Rarity", with all her enchanting beauty, posing a question to the audience, a question she already knows the answer to — - proving, once again, her vast knowledge and intellectual side that the audience of the show very rarely gets to meet and enjoy. Her already knowing the answer to her question also gives us a hint at her more 'playful' side. Most critics agree that this is, in fact, the best artistic work of the current millennium, and there are already rumors of it winning the "Best Art" prize at this summer's 20th annual (EAAAS) Exquisite Academy Art Awards Showcase in the city of London in France.


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