Born to Silly


yoshimon1 said:
First stop: The most charming shopkeeper in town! Let's introduce our new friend and return the cart.

As you arrive in Hoofington's marketplace, you pull the cart to the magic item shop, where you are greeted by Crystal Charm.

Crystal Charm: "Welcome back, Blazer! Aw, who's your friend?"

Moonflower: "Hi! I'm Moonflower!"

Crystal Charm: "Nice to meet you, Moonflower. My name's Crystal Charm."

Moonflower: "Cool! You sell magic stuff?"

Crystal Charm: "That's right! So, Blazer, where'd you find this cutie?"

You tell Crystal Charm that as you were mining for gems, you discovered a passage to Starfalls Town.

Crystal Charm: "A passage, huh? I'll have to investigate later, then! So, what'd you bring back?"

You return the cart along with the Diamond Dog's Eye to Crystal Charm, and she levitates the gemstones from the cart onto the counter, examining each one of them briefly.

You give Diamond Dog's Eye to Crystal Charm, and equip Trailblazer's Saddlebags.

Crystal Charm: "Not bad! I can buy these gemstones for two bits each. If you want to keep some for yourself, I can identify them for you. What do you say?"
Selling Gold Bit
Common unicorn currency in Equestria.

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