
Anonymous said:
Make it look like you meant to send that dummy flying to kingdom come. That… and inspect your horseshoes. You might be missing a couple stones.

You roll an 18 (required 10). Success!

You flash a proud grin at the bystanders. Healing Spring smiles back, and begins to cast a spell to repair the training dummy, while the nearby training pony drops his sword, slack-jawed in disbelief.

Sapphire Kite: "Impressive technique, Trailblazer. I've never seen a ward spell used offensively before. It seems you are more resourceful than I thought."

Moonflower: "That was so cool‼ Can you do that all the time?"

You check on your hind horseshoes, and find that both gemstones seem to be in perfect condition.

Sapphire Kite: "So long as she lets the gemstones recharge, she can. Ward enchantments are known for being durable, but they can run out of magic if used too intensively. When that happens, you risk impacts breaking through the spell, and damaging the gemstone itself."

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