Let it flee, but don't drop your guard.
You roll a 16 (required 10). Success!
The timberwolf escapes. With combat over with, Moonflower puts her dagger away. You ask if everypony is alright.
Moonflower: "Yuh uh!"
Windcaller: "I… I am, thanks to you."
You remark that you make a great team, and tell your party to keep moving forward, and to not let their guard down.
You then continue to follow the stream. On the way, you keep your senses alert, while Moonflower sends out a sonic signal every so often.
As you walk through the forest, the passing trees begin to look more natural, and the fog dissipates, giving you a feeling of safety.
Windcaller looks around for a moment, then he gestures to the left.
Windcaller: "I… believe we can take a shortcut to the castle ruins, if we head north from here."
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