We might as well pass the time with casual conversation. Ask Windcaller what kind of books he likes, just to get the ball rolling.
You sit on a nearby bench, and wait for the apple crisp to bake. Ponies around you come and go, bringing in supplies, and busying themselves with cooking.
You ask Windcaller what kind of books he likes to read.
Windcaller: "I… usually read about music, and musical instruments."
Moonflower: "Ooh, I like music! What d'you read?"
Windcaller: "More than I could say, in all honesty. Aside from academic theory, I've found that music is often considered to be a form of magic, although I'm… not an expert, myself. I just like to read about it."
You ask him about musical instruments.
Windcaller: "There are legends about… ancient instruments, said to have been crafted by the most powerful artisans in Equestrian history. One of them, a lute, is believed to have been buried in the ruins of the Everfree Castle.
I… thought I could search for it, but… well, you know how that went."
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