
yoshimon1 said:
Our plans? I think we wanted to check the message board for interesting or fun things to do. We also could visit the market again, maybe we'll see something we like or meet somepony. We haven't actually planned that far, so if Moony or Windy comes up with something… We definitely should try to get back home before the big rainstorm this evening, though. We could have a nice sleepover, play games, tell stories, snuggle…

You admit that you didn't have anything planned, aside from checking the posting boards in the town hall, and browsing the market before it starts to rain. You ask your friends if they would be interested in a sleepover.

Moonflower: "Heehee… you're gonna need a bigger bed if we're all gonna fit!"

Windcaller: "Um, well… I mean… I… I have a double bed, if it helps…"

Moonflower: "Ooooh…"

Windcaller: "A-anyway, why don't we head to the town hall first?"

You agree, and after finishing your meal and packing up the empty bottles, you head to the town hall.

You get 3 Glass Bottles!

Once inside the town hall, you find a few ponies sitting casually around the room; some still eating, others just chatting. You make your way to the posting boards to take a closer look. The posters read:

"Buying poison joke flowers for five bits each. —Good Fortune"

"Autumn Festival on the 21st of Sextilis‼ Princess Celestia will be attending! Don't miss it! —Autumn Gold"

"New items everyday at the Hoofington Trading Post!"

"Looking for somepony to deliver heavy package to Sunny Smiles, Ponyville for fifty gold bits. Cart included. —Roseforge"

"Lost my bags! Anypony seen them? —Claymence"

"You forgot them at the pub. —Midnight Tide"

"Weather forecast, 3rd of Sextilis: Cloudy, light showers in the evening. North wind during the night. Clouds will disperse tomorrow morning."

"Note to night patrol: Don't forget your scarves! —Monsoon"

"Keep your friends close, and their muzzle closer! The best kisses are the ones that smell and taste great. Keep your mouth healthy with clean water and fresh grass everyday. And when you treat yourself, remember to brush your teeth! —Minuette, Canterlot periodontist"

"Selling hygiene supplies at the medicine shop. —Sweet Remedy"

"Buying empty glass bottles for one bit each. —Flacon, Glass Supply Shop"

"Keep Hoofington safe. Join the militia."

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