Head towards town hall and see if there's a posting board
You bid farewell to Golden Harvest and Sunny Smiles, then you follow the road south to the town square. You pass a few food stalls, and make it to the town hall.
Once inside, you are greeted by a young unicorn mare.
Young unicorn: "Welcome! I'm Amethyst Star, at your service. How can I help you today?"
You introduce yourself to Amethyst Star, and tell her that you're looking for work. You ask if there are posting boards here in Ponyville.
Amethyst Star: "Posting boards? No way, we have far too many requests for that. So many, in fact, that we have to organize them by category. Follow me, right this way."
Amethyst Star leads you to a wide room with drawers aligned to a half-circle wall.
Amethyst Star: "So, Trailblazer, what kind of job are you interested in?"
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