Sounds like it's time for a snack break!
After a few minutes of walking, you reach the eastern edge of the Everfree Forest. In the distance, the Ruins of the Everfree Castle come into view.
You tell Moonflower that you're getting hungry, and suggest stopping for a snack.
Moonflower: "Ooh, good idea! You got anythin'?"
You unwrap two slices of cake, and offer one to Moonflower.
You use Slice of Apple & Chocolate Swirl Cake, and give Slice of Apple & Chocolate Swirl Cake to Moonflower.
Moonflower: "Yay, cake‼ Thanks a lot, Trailblazer!"
You sit with Moonflower by the riverside, and begin to eat.
Moonflower: "Hmm… I wonder why ya got summoned too, though!"
You feel satiated for now.
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