
The Majestic and Marvelous Margalo Lulamoon

Trixie Lulamoon x Flim Skim

Siblings — Maximilian(deceased)
Role — Traveling magician/actress
Special Talent — Hat tricks, illusions

Bio — Margalo is a kind yet no-nonsense mare. She’s very level-headed and wary of all the ponies around her, especially because of being seriously bullied in school. She may seem snobby and unapproachable, but it’s that she has her boundaries not just anybody can cross. Despite this, she’s never too busy to help a pony in need, no matter the task. Margalo mostly joins random shows and circuses looking for actors around Equestria for a living, mostly performing as a magician. She enjoys it and it’s decent enough pay, but she can’t shake the feeling she’s always running from her problems…


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