Well, a vacation would certainly be cool… and it's not like we're in any kind of hurry with that quest of ours, right?
You say that you were actually planning to go to Vanhoover…
Moonflower: "Awww!"
But then you add that a little detour probably won't hurt.
Moonflower: "Yay‼"
Sweet Biscuit: "What's your business in Vanhoover?"
You tell Sweet Biscuit that you need to travel overseas, and you figured that was the shortest route.
Dawn Break: "You should come along and visit Amblerta, then. It's a port town, so most of the ponies who live there are sailors. If you're looking for a boat, that's most likely where you'll find one."
Sea Swirl: "Hey, hotties, I've got us some snacks!"
After closing the door behind her, Sea Swirl places a small tray of various muffins in the middle of the room, and reclaims her seat between Dawn Break and Moonflower.
Sea Swirl: "Dive in!"
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