Let's try this again! Keep slashing and slicing!
You roll a 13…
Blood Edge attacks the middle trendril again with his longsword, this time cutting it for two damage. The middle tendril is defeated, and turns to dust…
Moonflower: "Yay! Do we get experience points for that?"
Sweet Biscuit: "Not until combat is over."
Moonflower: "Oh, okay. S'it my turn? I wanna cast, uh… Thunder Clap!"
After getting back on her hooves, Tailkicker rears up, then stomps the ground, sending a wave of electricity toward the remaining tendrils. The two enemies are shocked, and fall to the ground, paralyzed temporarily.
Whirlpool: "Well done! Time to finish them off!"
Whirlpool swings her flail at the left paralyzed tendril, hitting it for two damage. As for Opaline, she continues to remain at a safe distance, waiting for somepony to get injured.
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