What's in it for her? Well, apart from taking part in a once of a life-time quest. It wouldn't be a proper adventure without there being battles to be fought, and treasure to be won now would there? I mean really, what's going to present more of a challenge. A bunch of ponies who you managed to defeat an 100 off in a row, or an adventure to find the World Tree itself!
You tell Gerwalta that there are bound to be challenging battles, and treasures to be found!
Gerwalta: "Treasures, huh? What's my cut?"
Starting at a fair deal, you offer her one third of what you find.
Gerwalta: "Not bad… but a third of nothing is still nothing. When are you leaving?"
You tell her that you're riding a cart to Amblerta early in the morning tomorrow.
Gerwalta: "I'll think about it, and come find you later, then."
With a wave of her claw, Gerwalta walks off. You rejoin your friends in the crowd, and begin to watch two clumsy contestants stumbling around playfully.
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