Born to Silly


They all share the same dad, just different mothers. You see,, their father had been with lots of mare, but they would usually fall through. So they are all half siblings.

This is also short because i didn’t really have time to type it all out so i will flesh this out when i have more time.


Double diamond sat there anxious for a moment, he could believe he was going to see his sister again. His eyes met the mane six. He let out a deep sigh and put on a big nervous smile.

“What do i say???” His ears perked up with excitement. He began to eagerly pace the castle grounds. “ I haven't seen her in forever.” NightGlider nodded in agreement, fluffing out her wings.

“After she left we just lost contact. We all went our separate ways.” He axusoilyy fiddled with his mane, trying to straighten out the knots and kinks in his mane. Nightglider rolled her eyes. “Gee, quit messing with it. The morse you mess with it the more she is going to notice.”

“I’m sure she'll be happy to see you sugar cube.” Aj carefully put her arm around the stallion. “I’m sure Rolling thunder will be excited to see you.”

Double Diamond let out a sorat relieved sigh. Night glider smiled. “She’s going to be happy for you. Don’t worry so much!” The castle doors swung open with dramatic force, a mare standing in the doorway, her mouth agape.

“Di..Dim..Diamond?” her eyes met him as tears began to form. Then her gaze met Nightglirder and her tears fell. “Nighty?? Wha.. are u doing ere?” Nighlider smiled “We missed you is all. Need to see you.” Rolling thunder embraced her siblings close.

“Whao, what did ya do to ya mane?” Rolling thunder laughed. Fiddling it back to place. “Golly i missed ya guys.” Night Glider’s eyes meet the plethora of scars that Rolling thunder had on display. “What happened? What did you do?”

Rolling thunder looked at her with a bit of surprise. “Well ya see, I joins something call tha washouts. We did all sorts of crazy stunts. Ya i got me self a couple of wicked scars.”

“Cool” Nightglider said softly. “You always were the stunt pony.”

They all just sat there in tears. Happy to be in each other's company once again. They had never all been together in years and clearly had so much catching up to do. They were a family again. But now all the needed was dad.


These guys were just happy to be with each other again after so long.


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