
Cozy grew up in a not so nice place. It was a shabby old home. She lived with her mother and Father.

Her family didn’t have any kind of significant magic. Just simple ponies. For years their family tried to make an honest good living, but to no avail. Cozy parents had gotten tremendously sick one day. At the time her cousins were visiting, Cozy wasn’t completely alone. Her parents needed a rare treatment that hadn’t had a known cure yet.

Magic was something that her family had worshiped and her parents were dying without it. Try as her family might they couldn't get anypony to help. They had no magic. She was helpless.

She needed magic.

You see, In a world without magic, you have no power.

Cozy couldn’t seem to do anything to get people to listen. She was at her last straw when she had a brilliant idea. What is she playing, cute and innocent? What if she tried to get people to do what she wanted by force. Almost on a dime she had found out something deep within her. Soon after she got her cutie mark. SHe was getting things for her family this way. It was working.

Like a little light bulb in her head, Cozy had an idea. She could have all the power she wanted if she became and the empress of friendship. So as quick as she could she enrolled in twilights school. After that you know what happened.


Okay so the reason It only affected Cozy glows body and not anybody else is because she is just a normal pony. See, chrysalis and twerk have magic coursing through their veins. Being trapped in stone or in tartrus wouldn’t do anything to their body. They may come out stiff or uncomfortable for a while but they wouldn't have permanent body issues. Cozy is a normal pegasus,not to mention she is a child.

Tartarus and being trapped in stone, really had a negative effect on cozy glow. It did really unpleasant things to her body like making her inferilte. That was the biggest effect it had on her. When she met Diamond Tiara it never crossed her mind about kids. However when she heard this news her heart broke. She had never thought that being in tartarus or in stone would do something like this to her.

Cozy had to deal with now not being able to fly. Her wings were about a normal pegasus wing,but for some reason she couldn’t fly. Think of it this way, when terik drains pegassi magic they lose their ability to fly. A similar thing is happening to cozy. She is not weak but she won’t be able to fly, she can really only hover.

It was a permanent reminder that they sent her to hell. They didn’t think she was worth reforming. No one thought to talk a kid back to earth. No one. It wasn’t till years later somebody decided they wanted to free Cozy. The only ponies who were wanting to give her a second chance were the ponies she betrayed. The CMS wanted to See Cozy Glow happy. Although at this point Cozy didn’t see herself worth that. She had this persona to be big and strong on the inside for so long. That she had to play cute to get what she wanted.

Cozy still tried to be snarky to the CMC,holding on to what little she had of herself left. This gave the CMC a brilliant idea. Only one pony could deal with Cozy and give her a taste of her own medicine. This idea worked and soon enough Cozy was starting to turn around. However her hate for twilight still stayed strong. A princess of friendship sent her to hell. TO HELL! And then she was Turned into stone.

(In my head cozy was older than the CMC and Diamond tiara, but when she was released from stone she was not technically the same age as the rest of them.)


As Cozy got older it became more apparent that her body was not the same. For starters Cozy was meant to be a smaller pony. Her family were all tiny so cozy was supposed to be their size. However Cozy got a growth spurt. She got way bigger than she was supposed to be. At this this made her really self conscious but a loving Diamond Tiara made her see that she was perfect.

Cozy was able to make peace with her past and things she had done. Besides if one pony loved her, that was all that really mattered.


Okay here it finally is. Took me a while but it is finally done.


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