Changeling Medic I counted the Medic's in both teams and RED's have 5 and BLU only 3 (not including Medikirin) so I made another BLU Medic to more chance for BLU's.
I made him bigger wing because he can faster fly to his patients.
Name: Silk Heal
Gender: Male
Race: Reformed Changeling
Class: Medic
Weapons: -He have healing magic so he don't have to use mediguns,
-basic Medic weapons.
*Youngest Medic in BLU team;
*Friend with Changeling Spy;
*His character is a mix of BLU Medic (headcannonical) and Pyro's.
*Likes doing pranks with his old friend Spy.
If you want to draw this character don't ask me, just credit me when you post the art with it or tell me you want to draw it