
jumpingshinyfrogs said:
If Minuette is ready we should head to the tournament to sign up.

As soon as she finishes her meal, Minuette gets ready to leave.

Minuette: "Alright, thanks for the food! I've got a tournament to catch, so I'll see you guys later!"

You tell Minuette that you'll come along.

Moonflower: "Ooh, me too!"

Dawn Break: "Don't stay up too late, you three."

Waving the ponies at the table goodbye, you and Moonflower follow Minuette out into the freshening night. The unicorn then leads you along the road north, where you soon reach the town arena.

Minuette: "This is gonna be great! Hehe! I hope that griffon from earlier is gonna be there. She looked like she was holding back, and I wanna see some real action tonight!"

At the entrance, you are greeted by a sign on the wall. The sign reads:

"Spectators, go right; Challengers, go left."

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