Born to Silly


datguyc said:
Finish him!

You roll a 4 (required 10). Failure.

You step closer to your downed opponent, but hesitate. Despite wielding an illusory weapon, you can't find the willpower to finish him off.

Foil Rosier: "That won't be necessary."

After pushing himself up and wiping the dust off his muzzle, Foil Rosier raises his hooves to signal defeat. The crowd erupts into deafening cheers all around you.

Announcer: "This is it, fillies and gentlecolts! Trailblazer wins the match!"

Foil Rosier: "Oh, my head… It seems I have underestimated you."

You bow respectfully to each other, then walk back to the waiting area together, where you are greeted by the organizer.

Organizer: "Hey, not bad, TB! Didn't think you had it in you. Anyway, we're taking a five-minute break, then you're up third against Tonsoria. G'luck!"

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