
Basically some of my concept art for the family.


Buck shot

The big lovable dad of Double Diamond, Nightglider and Rolling thunder. Buck served in whatever equertias version of the navy was for some time before he met Wavelength. They have a general love for fighting what they believe in. In fact they both got matching anchor tattoos to seal their love for one another.

Wave length: The mother of Rolling thunder.

She was a caring and sweet mother. She loved rolling thunder and her husband for years. Unfortunately she had passed away due to major health issues. They made sure that she died peacfulling in the loving arms of her husband. Rolling thunder was only two when this happened.

A couple of years later Buck remarried. This is were all his troubles began

Crystal clarity: mother of double diamond

You could say she was very loose spirit. She didn’t put much effort into being a good parent as she was always in her “meditation room” or saying she needed to be away from the kids. When she ditched the family Rolling was only four and she had recently had a Double diamond. Such a young age to lose a mom again.

Electric bliss: mother of night glider

So more time later, Buck started dating a mare again but this time was more cautious. Obviously things didn’t go well or this would be a thing.

Electric was a real deadbeat mom. She left when her kid and her boyfriend were adventure seekers. She had always called the kids annoying little brats and when she had a kid with Buck, she just wanted to leave she said……

“Sorry but i don’t have time to be a housewife or a mom. I got better things to do.”

With that she left. Leaving Buck alone again with another kid. At this point buck had had enough. He was tired of looking for someone to be theri loving mom. From now on he was going to be both. The best Dad and Mom. He did a good job too. He raised kids he was very proud of. Nothing made him happier than seeing his kids with jolly smiles.


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