MLP Base 337
This base is MS Paint/Paintbrush Friendly
This base is FREE to use. You DON'T need to ask me
Just follow my rules and we'll have no problems~
YouArePlz YouArePlz
** * Download for full size * **
Point Right Credit me for the base and credit Hasbro for the original image
Point Right Take. Your. Time. Do not rush! Spend longer then 5 minutes on your base edit
Point Right Don't link back! Mentions does it for you!
Point Right Feel free to change the gender, add/remove a horn and/or wings
Point Right Frankendolling is allowed. But only if it's okay with the other base maker
Point Right Do not upload the blank base as your own. That's theft. Base or not. You will be reported.
Point Right Do not sell my base. However! Designs on the base, like adoptables are okay!
Point Right Use the Curve Tool! Don't be lazy. I hate seeing sloppy Dolls.
Point Right Do not use Muro!
Point Right Have fun!
You no longer have to link back your base edit(s). If you Mention me in the Deviation
[Meaning you properly credit me, such as @ Twiily-Bases or :icon Twiily-bases: without the spaces]
I will see it thanks to the Mentions system!
*Original Image: Screenshot
MLP: FiM© Hasbro*