
nevixastari said:
Now what? Now, we eat, drink, and be merry! So enjoy the party, but stick close to Furia, and make sure she doesn't get overwhelmed by the grateful revelers too.

After a short walk back and a shower of admiration, you and Furia Storm reclaim your seats at the captain's table.

Coast cadet: "That was amazing!"

Coast lieutenant: "Well done, hero."

Captain Moor: "Aye aye! Now then, shall we enjoy this feast?"

A stack of plates is passed around, then everypony begins to fill their own. Next to you, Moonflower prepares a light arrangement of various samples for Furia Storm, drawing the attention of a couple of mares sitting across from them.

Coast scout: "Recovery diet, huh? I know that feeling. When I first joined the 'guard, I crashed my sailboat high and dry on a small desert island just an hour off the coast. It took me three whole days to remember I could use my wings to fly back!"

Coast cadet: "Oh yeah! Or remember that time when we stopped at a griffon outpost to restock our rations? I think I'd rather starve than having to taste fish again! Eugh. Hey, speaking of which, do sirens eat— mmph!"

The scout shoves her hoof in the cadet's mouth nervously, and the table falls silent. Furia Storm glares daggers at Captain Moor.

Furia Storm: "You knew."

Captain Moor: "Ah, so I was right. I may be getting old and half-blind, but unlike most ponies, it takes more than a mere disguise to fool me.

Aye, I've been keeping my eye on you, Furia Storm. Ever since I caught wind of how you defeated that giant, I've had my doubts about your true identity. A siren, then. Here, in Equestria? Well, this leaves me no other choice. Guards!"

All the coast guards at the table stand at attention.

Captain Moor: "I hereby order you to assist and protect the siren Furia Storm, here present, as you would any other ally of Equestria."

Coast guards: "Aye aye, captain!"

Furia Storm looks bewildered for a moment, then she lets out an exhausted sigh.

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