There's nothing that would be pertinent to sell. We don't need Gerwalta, she's huffy, mean, and uncooperative. We can get by on our own! Let's focus on preparing as best we can before leaving, instead of burning our bits and prospective loot on a mercenary.
You thank the appraiser, but ultimately decide against parting with your items just yet. With that settled, you set hoof back outside, and notice the fog starting to clear and making way for a sunny blue sky.
After leaving the Trading Post headquarters, you pay everypony one last relaxing visit to the local bathhouse.
You pay 3 Gemstones to the bathkeeper.
The rest of the morning is spent making sure that everything is in order for the upcoming adventures; first, to return Furia Storm home, and then, to obtain a seed from the Yggdrasil tree…
As the sun approaches its highest point, you catch sight of a familiar brown and yellow colt on the street. Apple Basket calls out to you enthusiastically, now out of his bandages, and wearing a small pouch around his neck.
Apple Basket: "Howdy! Hope I didn't make y'all wait too long. What'd I miss?"
You greet Apple Basket, and recount to him what you've been up to during his absence.
Apple Basket: "Aw, horseapples! Repair supplies? I knew I'd forgotten somethin' important. Well, I just got back and didn't get a chance to grab a bite yet, so how 'bout I treat y'all to lunch to make up for it?"
Growing hungrier by the minute, your party agrees to the offer. You follow the colt to a small seaside terrace, where he buys everypony a generous serving of fresh, crunchy salad from a nearby food stand.
Apple Basket: "… and my cousin said she'd cover for me this harvest season, which means I'm free to go adventurin' with y'all! Uh, if you still want me aboard, 'course."
Moonflower: "Yay‼ Does that mean we're all ready to go?"
You feel stuffed. Phew!
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