
Dream Cloud said:
See if we can talk it out (why do they need a ship? They can travel the water perfectly fine).

You roll a 5 (required 9). Failure.

You try to ask the seadogs why they need a ship, but their short-tempered leader seems uninterested in having a conversation.

Gray seadog: "Quiet! Boom, knock 'em out!"

Ring-tailed seadog: "Nighty-night!"

The last thing you remember is blinding smoke engulfing the boat, your legs feeling weak, and your eyes, heavy…

You wake up to the seemingly distant noise of a metallic door. Your joints are a bit sore from sleeping on the cold dirt floor, and it takes you a moment to shake off the grogginess, but you feel otherwise unharmed.

While the rest of your party stirs awake, you take a look around, and find yourself in what seems to be a dungeon. You see verdant moss growing on the cobblestone walls, and piles of hay strewn about the room. Tarnished bars guard the only door and a small window on the opposite side, overlooking the sea.

Apple Basket: "Everypony alright?"

You call out that you are fine, but when time passes with no reply from Moonflower, you turn to meet her big, teary eyes.

Moonflower: "My hat…"

You quickly realize that all of your equipment has gone missing, with the exception of your sidereal bag. In an attempt to cheer the young bat pony up, you pull her into a big hug, but alas, it is cold comfort to her now capless pink mane.

Apple Basket: "Land's sake, those creatures are the unfriendliest bunch I've ever met. Where do you reckon they took us?"

Before you can take a guess, a slamming door echoes through the hallway, followed by the sound of something heavy hitting a few stairs, then being dragged along the ground. A few seconds later, the brown seadog from earlier appears in front of your cell, lazily carrying a wooden bench behind her.

She slowly takes a seat on it, facing you, and begins to watch silently through the bars, likely standing guard. Or sitting guard, as it were.

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