
Borg said:
Let's see if we can charm the guard. Compliment her and tell her that she's clearly too good to be stuck down here on guard duty. Maybe we can establish some sort of rapport.

You roll a 6 (required 10). Partial success.

You decide to try talking with the guard some more. After complimenting her outfit and formidable looks, you remark that someone of her worth shouldn't be sitting here to watch the prisoners.

Brown seadog: "Aye, well f'I had it me way, ye landlubbers would be marooned smartly off the prize. But no prey, no pay, cap'n says. Gotta keep ye sailin' back with more loot for us to plunder."

Noticing the derisive tone of that last sentence, you ask the seadog what she does with all the treasure she gets. She responds with a dry look.

Brown seadog: "Waves over me head. Sweet trade's a one-way deal, and those shinies can't buy me a fight, so scupper that. Yer duffel's just gonna rot in the trove like the rest."

A pause. The pirate gives her sword a closer look, inspecting the blade's edge carefully, then she resumes sharpening it.

Brown seadog: "No richer dogs than us, but we used to be better than that. Earned our booty over a real battle! These days, all the action goes up in smoke, and parley's got me cutlasses duller than a bowful o' barnacles."

You agree that an adventure wouldn't be the same without any action, and after glancing over to your friends one more time, you offer the seadog to spar with her in exchange for Moonflower's hat. That puts a little grin on her face.

Brown seadog: "A spar, aye? Sounds fun. Not that ye're gettin' out o' that locker on me watch. That, and I'd be shark bait if ye got hurt just fer laughs, code and all. Hmph.

Ye've got more guts than half of these cannon-shootin' scallywags, though. I like that. Don't run a rig on me, and maybe I'll fetch ye that hat when I catch a break."

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