
Zhafran said:
Hmm… let's start with "Do you want to walk with us?" and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

You roll an 18 (required 9). Success!

Although you've made many friends over the years, you must admit that it's always come to you naturally. You'd never really stopped to consider how you did it, and now, you realize that it might not be so simple to put into words.

With that in mind, you and your friends decide to walk off your meal, and invite Eleven to tag along. As you follow the coast leading into the woodlands, the sun begins to set behind a horizon of fiery red clouds.

After some reflection, you tell Eleven that the first step to making a friend often is getting to know each other. Learning somepony's interests and boundaries can help finding some common ground, as well as figuring out what kind of friendship you can expect to get into.

Eleven: "Pihsdneirf fo dnik?"

You nod, and carefully explain that because everypony is unique, so are friendships. Some are more physical, while others are more platonic. Some friends spend most of their time together, while others only meet every once in a while. It all depends on what works best for them.

Eleven: "Devresbo ew snoitairav eht snialpxe siht."

When Eleven begins to show some form of understanding, you try asking him about himself, and what is important to him. The question seems to take some time to register, but he eventually comes up with an answer.

Eleven: "Retsam ruo. Nruter ni reh rof serac enon tub, yad yreve su fo erac sekat ehs. Taht egnahc dluoc ew fi…"

Moonflower: "Aww! You wanna be friends with Novelty?"

The equinculus hesitates, still appearing to lack confidence.

In an attempt to give more concrete advice, you remark that from what you've seen, Novelty was visibly passionate about her work, and that she seemed to value honesty. No doubt if she wants to meet Eleven later, then she will have many questions for him.

You tell him that while he should answer them truthfully, he should also be honest about his feelings. Maybe try to ask her a few questions of his own, and make the exchange mutual, if he feels that it is right.

As your party circles back outside of the woods and beneath a slowly dimming sky, Eleven spends some time processing the information you shared. Then, as you arrive at your boat's moorings, he speaks up once more.

Eleven: "Hcum denrael evah ew, niaga ecno. Uoy knaht. Niaga teem lliw ew."

You tell Eleven that he is welcome, and bid him farewell, before he turns to dust and vanishes in the blowing wind.

Apple Basket: "I don't think I'm ever gettin' used to that."

Moonflower: "Heehee… I wonder if Novelty made herself a friend on purpose!"

Back down to three ponies, you start thinking about what to do next. Your pocket watch indicates ten past six.

You have Map of Midgard in your saddlebags. Use it to navigate the area.

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