Born to Silly


nopony said:
Ask about Odin's curse. Maybe we can help with it, especially if we get that seed… (Also mention that Discord says hello.)

Before you go, you try asking about Odin's curse, though Ratatosk visibly grows more impatient by the question.

Ratatosk: "How would I know? Ohhh, you think I know more than I let on, don't you? No, no, no— look, I'm just a messenger; you're the heroes. All I was told is that you'll find the answers you seek… in here!"

The giant squirrel gestures to the Yggdrasil tree once again, though a touch more insistently this time. Feeling that he won't tell you much more, you decide to thank Ratatosk for his help, and relay that Discord says hello.

Ratatosk: "How kind— did you say Discord? So he's the one who sent you to fix this mess. Well, he would! He's the one who made it to begin with! Now, let me guess; he didn't actually tell you to do anything himself, did he?

Although, that would mean… hmm. Well then! Heroes of circumstance are heroes nonetheless. Not that any of this will matter if you just stand there! Come on, in you go! We both have places to be!"

Ratatosk urges your party into the gateway, and you finally comply. As you enter, you find yourselves in the so-called World Between Worlds. You tentatively walk upon invisible flooring, while all around you, above like below, shimmers a seemingly infinite starfield awash with colourful nebulae.

Rocket Rush: "Are we in space? Wait, am I still dreaming?"

Justice: "Whatever this is, it's not a dream. Say, you two don't seem overly bothered by legendary creatures and unworldly places. Am I to understand that these things are common in Equestria?"

You tell the unicorns that while they aren't too uncommon, you must admit that this venture into the Mists has gone far beyond what you're used to. Still, you'd go to the ends of the Earth for Moonflower if you had to. Which, in fact, you suspect you just did!

Moonflower: "Heehee! You're the best, Trailblazer!"

After sharing a nuzzle with your best friend, you turn your attention to the glasslike pedestal in front of you. Once everypony is ready, you step forward, and as instructed, you place the Philosopher's Stone on top of it.

The pedestal reacts to the Stone's magic, and lights up with strange runes. Soon, the exit disappears behind you, and the stars begin to shift and change in colour. Within seconds, red and purple hues light up the room, and a new gateway opens where the old one was.

Assuming that you were successfully transported to the realm of Darkness, you put the Philosopher's Stone away, and head for the exit. The moment you step outside, however, everypony pauses at the sight.

Rocket Rush: "Aaand it's a nightmare."

It is dark. Distressingly dark. To the east, a yellow sun ignites the horizon a deep crimson; an uncomfortably dim source of light in the otherwise abyssal black, starless sky. Eerie howling resounds in the unseen distance, filling you with a sense of dread.

Shaking off the feeling, you take a look around. You seem to be in some kind of settlement. Behind you, a massive tower replaces the Yggdrasil tree, and all around it, angular houses jut out on either side of smooth, crystalline roads.

Despite the blinding darkness, not a single lamp, window, or even sign is lit, though you think you can see shadows moving along the streets. To the south, twin pillars appear to delimit the edge of town.

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