Who is Coffee Bean?
Coffee Bean is a Earth Pony based of from(you guessed it) Coffee, coffee colour pallet. She runs a small bussiness/cafe and makes professional lattes and other hot drinks. Coffee Bean is and was remade/created for my current Project being done & studied at Uni. She is a young confident mare who is highly proud of her work & never ashamed or let down by others. Coffee is not the type to cause bussiness battles or competition, she instead prefers the idea of peace, admiring and achknowledging other artists and coffee brewers skills in the industry as well as to make friends.
What does Coffee's colours represent & mean
Coffee's full of a range of colours, all colours represent different types of coffee-based brews, such as: The brown mane and tail represent regular coffee, the body colour represents light coffee, the white patches/markings represent coffee foam, her dark brown eyes represent black coffee and as for her bowties(accessories) represent mocha coffees.
Who is/was Coffee bean 2.0 & what did they exactly look like?
Coffee Bean was a late Character originally officially brought into the world in early 2019, she was originally based off from another OC who was called Beetroot. Coffee Bean used to be a humanoid brown fox(also known as a kitsune/neko.) She was also made specifically for a project last year for illustrator & poster design as a character, but her character had a more gore-meaning name/theme behind it as she was involved with a darker edgy lore at the time which of course I do not approve of anymore and want change done. So instead of abandoning the original OC, I remade her for Project 3, giving her a brand new start, new species, new franchise, new colour scheme & personality trates/hobbies.
Other notices & Updates
I will shortly be announcing another short DeviantArt Update to my page about the characters, I overall have got three finished and officially made character concept designs for my project. I may or may not create anymore and work with what I have left as I only have this week and next week until the Project ends.
A bit of good news is that the project has been extended another week due to a handful of students being left behind, not having enough complete(research) and to finish referrals from Project 2 or 1.
With that all going on, I will soon be starting to make and be sketching up the official merchandise designs stuck as poster designs, sticker designs & Much more!
Support me!
DeviantArt Watch me on DeviantArt: LilVampireCJ
Donate to me on Kofi: Buy Lil_VampireCJ a Coffee
Coffee Bean is a Earth Pony based of from(you guessed it) Coffee, coffee colour pallet. She runs a small bussiness/cafe and makes professional lattes and other hot drinks. Coffee Bean is and was remade/created for my current Project being done & studied at Uni. She is a young confident mare who is highly proud of her work & never ashamed or let down by others. Coffee is not the type to cause bussiness battles or competition, she instead prefers the idea of peace, admiring and achknowledging other artists and coffee brewers skills in the industry as well as to make friends.
What does Coffee's colours represent & mean
Coffee's full of a range of colours, all colours represent different types of coffee-based brews, such as: The brown mane and tail represent regular coffee, the body colour represents light coffee, the white patches/markings represent coffee foam, her dark brown eyes represent black coffee and as for her bowties(accessories) represent mocha coffees.
Who is/was Coffee bean 2.0 & what did they exactly look like?
Coffee Bean was a late Character originally officially brought into the world in early 2019, she was originally based off from another OC who was called Beetroot. Coffee Bean used to be a humanoid brown fox(also known as a kitsune/neko.) She was also made specifically for a project last year for illustrator & poster design as a character, but her character had a more gore-meaning name/theme behind it as she was involved with a darker edgy lore at the time which of course I do not approve of anymore and want change done. So instead of abandoning the original OC, I remade her for Project 3, giving her a brand new start, new species, new franchise, new colour scheme & personality trates/hobbies.
Other notices & Updates
I will shortly be announcing another short DeviantArt Update to my page about the characters, I overall have got three finished and officially made character concept designs for my project. I may or may not create anymore and work with what I have left as I only have this week and next week until the Project ends.
A bit of good news is that the project has been extended another week due to a handful of students being left behind, not having enough complete(research) and to finish referrals from Project 2 or 1.
With that all going on, I will soon be starting to make and be sketching up the official merchandise designs stuck as poster designs, sticker designs & Much more!
Support me!
DeviantArt Watch me on DeviantArt: LilVampireCJ
Donate to me on Kofi: Buy Lil_VampireCJ a Coffee
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