
Okay so I'm keeping some things vague here. Here is kinda what's going on. This has to deal with someone bringing people back from the dead to carry out a plan. I really want to keep things vague and explain things in tidbits/ separate deviations. The dialogue will probably be messed around with and changed.

I also changed texas eye color from brown to as seaish blue

So the mane six were going on a vacation around equestria. This all takes places when the maine cast are adults


Texas gently kissed AJ on the cheek.

“We'll be fine mama,” he reached out a hoof to comfort his mom. Applejack gave Texas a concerned look as she awkwardly shuffled. Her eyes met Rainbow Dash with a concerned look.

“Are ya sure?” She nervously looked around Sweet Apple Acres. “You know, there's a lot of work that needs to be done round here. Are you sure you can handle it?”

Alistair smiled leaning into Texas. “Of course we can Applejack. Trust me when I say the barn will still be standing when you get home. Texas wrapped his wings around Alistair pulling him close.

“Gee ma, I can guarantee everything will be fine. Business will be running smoothly just like normal.”

“Come on AJ we're going to be late!” Twilight called major haste in her voice. Texas leaned in and kissed his mother on the forehead. Alistair smiled holding for AJ's hoof.

“Trust me, I won't let Texas get into any trouble.” Applejack let out a heavy sigh as she slowly turned to look at Twilight.

“Alrighty then”. She hesitated for a moment then slowly turned to catch up with the rest of the mane six.

“We oughta get to work if we want to get anything done this week” Texas chuckled. He gave Alistrai a kiss on the forehead.


Later that night.

Texas Stirred the hot cider on the stove, humming a quiet melody. “Hey, how much do you want?” Texas called.Alistair stayed quiet. Texas filled the cups up and trotted over to Alistair. He gently set the cupdowns of the coffee table.

“What’s up?”

He glanced at Alistair who was frozen in fear. His body was like a statue. Rigid and not moving. They both looked on in horror. There standing outside was a tall black silhouette with glowing green eyes.

Alistair tried his best to keep his cool. Without hesitation Texas reached for the bat and was covered in nails spikes and barbed wire.

“Wha…what are you doing?” Alastair's mouth was dry and his words were weak. Texas didn’t move. His body was stiff and his gaze was unnerving.

“I’m going outside to check it out.” His voice was deep. His chill and calm voice was now threatening. He grabbed the bat and slowly opened the front door.

“Who are you and what do you want!” he yelled. The creature was slim. Still staring unblinking at him.

Texas moved out slowly inching closer. Still the creature didn’t lift it’d gaze off him. The creature's eyes didn’t move, but no matter where Texas went it’s eyes seemed to just follow him. Texas glared at the thing for a couple moments, unsure what to do.

It wasn’t responding to what he was doing.He slowly started to back away when the thing propelled itself onto him. Its snarled revealing rows and rows of jagged sharp teeth. His voice was shrill and shriek like. It’s crys pierced the air.

The creature was determined to lay a bite on Texas. It thrashed and growled at him, laying a massive blow to his chest. Texas gave a swift hind kick to the beast’s stomach, realling back to examine. He had a big gash on his chest that was pouring blood.

What the hell just happened?

The creature quickly shook off the hit and was making its round at Texas again.It curled with a creepy look. Texas looked closer at its eyes. They had no soul They were just blank. No pupils. No life.

The creature tried to lunge again but Texas was swift and swung the bat to the creature's dome. It fell to the floor stunned. Squirming on the floor. Without hesitation he slammed down the btat onto the creature's head, spurting green blood everywhere. He stared down in shock for a moment before quickly rushing inside.

Texas collapsed the door painting and out of breath. Alistair Looked at him in shock. Without much thought Alsitar rushed to find the med kit.

“What the hell? What was that??” Texas writhed in pain. His mind was racing trying to figure out what had happened. Alistair reached into the med kit pulling out swabs and medicine.

Alistair picked up the wet cotton ball and applied to his cut. Texas looked into Alistair sad eyes. “Hey…” he reached out a hoof and gently put it against his face. Alistair shakilly looked at Texas.

“Pff..don’t say anything you big dummy.” He nuzzled texas. “You're going to be fine.” Their ears perked up as they heard a faint noise in the distance.Then a loud snap of wood followed by a huge boomed sent the two into panic

Texas weakly stood up and looked outside. Horror filled his body as he trembled. His legs were wobbly and his vision was putting in and out. There,outside ,were dozens of the creatures. Inching closer to the barn. Their shrieking and erie calling becoming louder.


Yes they make it out alive. They are having to deal with mysterious creatures appearing on their land. I will go into more depth about what these creatures are and how they came to be.

This is pretty much the doing of Thor and parts of his taking over. I’m not very good at the story parts but trust me. If i could anime this and had people to voice act this would totally be an animations series.


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