Born to Silly


Parents: Princess Celestia, King Thorax
Species: Alicorn, Changeling
Build: Tall, slender
Special talent: Crafting Crowns/jewelry
Occupation: Princess in Canterlot
Nickname(s): Roy
Gender : Female
Born/Residing in Canterlot

When ponies heard that Celestia was to have a child, they didn't expect Roy to come out. No one knew about Celestia and Thorax's relationship, until of course, Roy was born. She has the same "armour plates" that Thorax does. It was a little obvious on who her parents were.

Shortly after her birth, Celestia came to the realization, Roy is partially blind. Watching her two month old filly running into walls, tripping over things, wasn't that easy to handle. Celestia always imagined having the "perfect" child, to run the empire after she either died or retired. Roy wasn't at all what she imagined. Regardless, she couldn't bring herself to hate the child she hoped for so long to have. She and thorax tried for so long to have a child, all failing. Then, just when they almost called it quits, accepting the fact that they can't have even one kid, Celestia fell pregnant. They were ecstatic. Seeing as she took so long to form, and there were some complications with the pregnancy, (being that occasionally she would refuse the food from the umbilical cord) this could be the reason shes partially blind. The thing she can see is shapes. She is able to make out ponies forms, but not necessarily walls, doors, things like that. "How does she make crowns then?" you may ask. That's a secret she'll never tell.

People refer to her as the "Bug Queen" she doesn't much care for the name, but if that's what people know her as, so be it. She made a crown for her title, having a gem of a butterfly on it. She was a sight to see when she went to the changeling kingdom. Everyone loved her. Before they found out that she was the child of Thorax, they all believed she was some enhanced version of them. Since she had a mane, and tail. She didn't have a fuzzy looking horn, and even though shes female, she inherited the gems on the chest. And going back to the horn, instead of having one on her forehead, she had the two on the sides of her head. The changelings adored this. It was new to them. Eventually, Thorax told everyone that she was his daughter, and everyone was shocked. They didn't think he would be the one to have children, seeing as most of the changelings are scared that they'll revert to their old selves, and create an army of some sort.


She is very fond of her father, seeing as he's a bit less of a control freak. The only thing he freaks out about is usually her health. If she hasn't eaten (lets say she forgot to eat lunch) he would completely freak out, asking if shes okay, and suggesting they go to lunch. Besides this, he never made her attend meetings with the other royals, seeing as he knew how much she hated the stuck-up ponies of canterlot. Celestia, on the other hand, was so desperatly trying to get her to attend these meetings, because she never knew when something would happen and Roy had to take over. Celestia wanted to train her on how to be a decent Princess and ruler. She didn't pay any attention to the fact that Roy kept repeating she hated the ponies that she would go to a meeting with. She learned ponies voices and scents, so she was able to figure out who she was with. Celestia often got angry and Thorax for just "letting her slip" because he wouldn't stick up for her. Truth be told, he wouldn't stick up for Roy either. He was just a spectator, in his words. He mainly visited the canterlot castle when they did have meetings, so he could keep Celestia from getting too mad at Roy.

Roy didn't realize she had a younger cousin, until she was about 6. He was 2. She was very upset when she was told they couldn't meet til he was older, because right now, hes very clingy to his mother, and would often attack other ponies in fear of his mother getting hurt. When they did meet, Diamond had grown, but Orion grew more. He was taller, and obviously longer. He made it his lifelong goal to protect the child he saw as just that, a child. He would often get on her nerves, since he was always hiding in a corner when she went outside the palace. She hated that he followed her around like a lost puppy. She just wanted time to herself. This got so bad when she went on dates and such. Even if she were to look toward another colt or mare, Orion was there to drag her away, as to not lose her. Yes he annoyed her, but she still loved the fluff-ball. Even in his early adulthood, he was still terrified of the dark. She allowed him to sleep in her room often, so he could feel safe.


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