
Hey, Rainbow cRaSh!

Some info:

~Full name is Rainbow Prism Dash. Prism was her birth name, Rainbow was the name she gave herself after her cutie mark was earned.

~Married to Soarin' with three chilluns

~Current captain of the Wonderbolts, appointed by the now retired Spitfire

~Holds the current record for the fastest breakneck flight speed

~She has managed to calculate her Sonic Rainbooms to a t, and in doing so uses them as final show stoppers to win the crowd over.

~Since the Wonderbolts are also a military-esque pegasus unit, RD has went through training as have the others. Her jacket covers most of the scars she had gotten from sparring sessions.

~Stubborn and not afraid to talk smack, though her arrogance has toned down a couple notches

~Believe it or not, she's the shortest of the mane six, with Pinkie being a bit taller by a few inches.


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