20th May 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
I find it's usually best when it's the players' idea to sign up for trials and tribulations (in a non-specific sense). Sometimes in the presentation it can feel like an ambush instead.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm absolutely ready to try. For us, and for the sake of Equestria. Though… I have no idea where to start…
Applejack: Yeah, ya can't exactly /force/ a magical epiphany.
Rarity: Oh, but of course you can. The same way every writer forces their characters to have epiphanies.
Fluttershy: By… putting them in strange and dire circumstances that test their friendship…?
Rarity: Precisely! We just need to challenge ourselves to find the magic within!
Pinkie Pie: HMMM. If only we had a source of weirdness and danger we could throw ourselves into!
Rainbow Dash: Wait, we're pro-danger now?
DM: Looks that way.
Rainbow Dash: Finally! Been waiting for you all to get with the program.