MLP Tarot — The Magician
Discord is an about perfect representation of the magician arcana as he is the embodiment of not only creation but trickery as well.
In the upright position the magician represents pure willpower, desire, creation, and manifestation of anything that you want badly enough. It is a time to chase fiercely after you goals because by sheer want and determination that is enough to achieve them. Discord is the line between harmony and chaos, the earth and the sky. He can lean either way but understands more than most that the two entities aren't quite as different as they seem.
In the reverse position, trickery and illusion reign and being out of touch with reality. It is a time to step back and clear your mind and make sure those around you aren't using you for personal gain and self interest. The grand show of good things going on might just be a falsehood. It is also a warning, that becoming so obsessed with power that you might become reckless and make wrong decision that lead to your downfall.
I was torn and almost went with Starswirl for this card but Discord really is the best embodiment for this arcana. The symbols he carries are the four suits of minor arcana: the cup (water), the sword (air), the wand (fire), and the pentacle (earth). These tie him to the natural elements and is often seen with an infinity symbol to show his power for creation.