
Originally posted on: July 4, 2015, 9:32 AM UTC
Watching Fireworks
Okay, truth be told I don't think I've really gotten good enough to do Holiday Specials and such. This was going to be the Special 4th of July pic I was doing, but it kind of just… failed in a way. Originally, they were simply going to be standing on the Enclave Mobile Crawler at Adams AFB, September included too, watching fireworks. It seemed very nice at the time, but I'm just not skilled enough to even attempt such a picture. I had gone in to Fallout 3 and took a screenshot for background reference, but I just couldn't pull myself to do it, knowing that there'd be a lack of colour.

So instead, I followed tutorials to draw ponies, and settled with Anna and Augustus just sitting there, apparently watching fireworks. I was going to have firework shines in their eyes, but with pencil sketching at my skills, that's kinda hard to do. I also can't draw dogs, so there's no September.

Now truthfully, there is a 4th of July chapter planned for TAT, and this is most likely it, because it's President Autumn then.

So yes, I know it isn't really something special, but at least it's something.


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