Born to Silly


A few days ago one of my watchers, PrinceDuskstripe and I had a conversation. We haven't spoke in a while due to our busy IRL schedules so its always good to hear from him. Anywho, he spoke about how he likes to revive the old 'Duskfyre' ship that started between his O/FC Duskstripe and my O/FC Wyldfyre from a few years ago. I had wanted to do so but I've been wanting to improve on my drawing style and not rely too heavily on MLP bases. This came at a time when I was planning for some big pics to take place with a Summer theme to it, but I had to think first about what pics I wish to do before Summer started. And yet…

What Duskstripe said to me kept gnawing at me and there was a pic I've been wanting to do for a while: Wyldfyre in her Showmare outfit. I had originally done a pic of her and was planning to work on it, but one of my other DA watchers coax me into doing a different pic (Genette's Quartet was the pic if your curious). Incidentally, I put off from doing my Wyldfyre pic for several months and thanks to Duskstripe I got around to do it, but I wanted to redo the pic since I didn't like the original. This was the end result.

I must admit I took a reference of a pic from an artist by the name of nightdragon09 who did the Las Pegasus showmares in order to get Wyldfyre's outfit right, if even remotely close. The colors were a challenge for the outfit since Wylie is mostly orange and making the outfit to be a different shade of orange wasn't easy. I have no complaints about it. I also left Wyldfyre's Cutie Mark under my sig in case anyone was curious as to what her CM look like since both her clothes and her wings do obscure the view.


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