Nerf is very load and bold, much like his father he has a large fascination with video games. He's considered the leader of the CMC due to how much he tends to take control and lead. —-
Fuchsia is considered as sweet and nerdy-like. She's the smarts of the group and often takes lead aside Nerf. She doesn't live in Ponyville but often visits with her family. —-
Adagio already has her own separate bio so go look at that to learn about her! —-
Arctic Chill
Age: 11
Family: Party Favor & Double Diamond (dads) Night Glider (mom) 2 other unnamed siblings
Occupation: Student
Sexuality: Gay
Chilli as he's often called is very bright and rambunctious. He's more the trouble maker of the group, always running off and getting distracted. He doesn't live in Ponyville either but sometimes visits, always visiting his friends when he does. —-
Apart from Adagio these are just minor characters. Their designs and names might change overtime!